Laser projections in honor of Nelson Mandela

Venue Type:
Outdoor, Sky- and Landmark
Kapstadt, ZA
Device use:

2 x RTI NANO Rainbow 36

Project Description

In recognition of the great deeds of the recently deceased former President Nelson Mandela, the Western Cape Government commissioned LaserX to project his face and text onto the famous Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa.

The images were projected onto the mountain from a distance of around one kilometer and measured around 300 x 200 meters. The projections, which were shown every evening between December 8th and 16th, showed Mandela at certain stages of his life.

The LaserX company used 2 x RTI NANO Rainbow 36 (each with a typical output power of 38,000mW).

LaserX has been a well established South African laser show company for over a decade. LaserX develops laser shows of all dimensions and has already won international awards. Based in Johnannesburg, the company serves all of southern Africa, but has also completed projects across the continent.

Thanks to LaserX for providing this image!


Pictures: LaserX


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