The play “Traumtexte”, directed by Akin Isletme, premiered on March 31st, 2022 at the Tafelhalle in Nuremberg, Germany. Traumtexte deals with the dream world and makes its texture, absurdities and effect on our waking lives sensually tangible.
What was unique about this 80-minute play, which consisted of an ensemble of two actors and included texts by Heiner Mueller and Roland Schimmelpfennig, was the thematisation of the “dream world” symbolised by the stage design. The stage set, in turn, was also composed of spaces created with the help of lasers. These laser spaces and the changing scenery developed a dreamlike world of light that was meant to snatch the theatre-goer away from the reality of the theatre space and lead him into the poetic space of dreams.
LaserAnimation Sollinger supported the theatre performances with 4 PHAENON accurate laser systems.
Bahadir Hamdemir used a total of four PHAENON accurate laser systems for the play, which were controlled via Touchdesigner. The signals were transmitted directly to the PHAENON accurate projectors via AVB, which significantly simplified the installation of the systems. In addition to status monitoring of the devices, all projector settings (security zones, masking, emergency stop, etc.) can be configured over the network using the LA.toolbox.
In the previous programming, the scenes were created true to scale on a smaller scale using Touchdesigner and then played back in full size in the Tafelhalle.
Directed and written by: Akin Isletme
Actors: Judith Rosmair, Julian Keck
Laser Artist: Bahadir Hamdemir
Stage and costume: Lena Scheerer
Music: Matthew Schubert
Dramaturgy: Uwe Carstensen
Assistant Director: Zoe Hamdemir
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