Lumière II 2015

Audiovisual Laser Performance by Robert Henke

Venue Type:
Art Projects
Paris, FR
Device use:

2 x 8W Standard BLIZZARDs YB (yellow + blue)
2 x 8 W BLIZZARDs RYB (red, yellow + blue)

Project Description

The continuation of successful Lumière I is an audiovisual composition for four lasers and sound.
The lasers project on a large screen, and in parts of the work on a wall of fog, which also makes the intensive beams of light visible in the air, connecting the lasers in the back of the room with the screen in the front, forming fragile temporary objects above the audience.
The special quality of the laser light allows to combine complete darkness with moments of extreme brightness, pure white light with intense saturated colors and precise movements with complex organic shapes.

Premiere of Lumière II: February 2015, Centre George Pompidou in Paris.


Pictures: A.-K. Scheidegger


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